Tuesday, July 18

It's Final

Well, we decided that the house from the last post was just too small. We are going to rent for a few more years and try to save up a good down payment. Hopefully we will be disciplined enough to do it and not waste the money somewhere else. We have found a house to rent in the same neighborhood, just around the block. It is bigger which is nice and will be about $300 less each month than the mortgage would have been. It is a nice split level that has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 living rooms, a giant laundry room, a garage, and a great yard - garden space included. How can I ask for more?
Yet, I am still feeling the stress and not wanting to move. I have never been attached to a ward/neighborhood like I have this one. I am just in a funk about having to leave everyone and being far enough away that I don't get to see them often. I will try to keep in touch with people, but that is not my strong suit. I do get to come back once or twice a week through the gardening season to pick my vegetables and take care of the garden. The landlord said I could do that, so at least my garden won't go to waste.
Matthew is worried about leaving things at this house. The other day he said, "Mom we have to take my star blanket with us, because It's mine." I tried to explain to him that we are taking everything in the house with us, except the things we are getting rid of because we don't use or don't want. But he can't wrap his head around this concept. It's really cute. He also says, "this better be the last time we move mom, I'm not a fan of moving." What a funny kid he is.
Sunday I was in the halls and passed the Primary President for our ward. She said, "you will have to let Mattie come back and sing in the primary program, he is our best singer." So funny, and he probably is too. He knows all the songs before they teach them. They are all impressed by his singing abilities.
I think this is as hard on the ward as it is on us. When we first "announced" we were moving so many people said "no your not." Like I would kid about something like this. But they have been so involved in our lives since we moved in that we have become as close as family to many of them. They help with Jessica's therapy every day. I said the other day that there will probably be a big sigh of relief when we leave because there will be so much less service that has to be done in the ward. I feel like there hasn't been a day go by since we moved here that we haven't had someone from the ward in our home helping us. This has just been a fantastic place for us. Also, Marshall is the financial clerk in the ward, and I have been the cub committe chair - two jobs that are really hard to find people who want to do them. So the bishopric is in a panic trying to replace us. One lady said, "you can live in my grainary, my brothers both did." So funny, but nice to know we are loved.
Isn't it true that you love those that you serve? And vice versa, you love those who serve you.


Jill said...

Congrats on finding a great place to rent! That's got to be a huge relief. It's sad that even though it's just around the block you have to move to a different ward, maybe that ward needs your family and a chance to serve and love Jessica too! You never know.

Also, make a promise to yourself that you're not going to let your new ward boundaries keep you from staying close to all those nice neighbors and ward members. It's silly that we do that, but it sounds like they need you as much as you need them, so why not make keeping in touch your stong suit??

Jana said...

I am so glad that you have at least had an opportunity to live in a place with a fabulous ward. It truly makes a difference to know that people care about you. We have a similar ward here.

Yeah about finding a place to live! It sounds like a good place and a decent payment. Two great things! I hope that you once again have a good ward, great neighbors, and a good experience.

Julie said...

Jill, let me clarify. It's around the block from the other house in Provo, not from where we are now. But still, it is in the ward I grew up in so I should know some people at least.

Amie said...

I'm glad you found something that will work for you. It sounds great. When's the big move?

It is always hard to move on, but I am sure great things are waiting for you in Provo too...

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