Thursday, August 24

All Moved and Back to School

Well, we are mostly in the new place. However our computer isn't up yet so I am using my mom's. Hopefully it will be up soon and I can post some pics. I am still working on getting boxes unpacked. I can't believe how long this is taking me. But, as least I can do it as I have time now. We can't find the screws, etc. for our desk. They were put in a box and not labeled. So we are madly trying to find them, but so far haven't had any luck.
I can't believe school started already. Jessica is in first grade this year and is going to school for a full day. And Mattie is going to a neighborhood preschool for two hours, three days a week. Monday I came home after dropping him off and thought I would get so much done. Instead I felt lonely, crazy huh? I know eventually I will live for those two hours. It was just so hard the first day.
Jessica is loving school and being able to ride the school bus every day. She talks about it all the time. And Matthew is loving meeting the kids in the neighborhood and making new friends.
I love our new house, and the other night at RS they had an auction. I won the bid for help redecorating a room in my house (trading spaces style). I am so excited about that. Boy could I use the help! By the way, had anyone ever read "Castaways of the Flying Dutchman" by Brian Jacques? It is the book this ward is doing for bookclub next month. Just wondering what to expect. On Amazon it was given 4 stars. Hope it is a good one.
That's about all for now. Glad you are all doing well, I check in now and then when I can. Hope to be up on my own computer soon.


Jill said...

Shouldn't unpacking the computer be the first order of business? Who needs food, clothes and beds when there's blogging to be done?

I'm glad you're liking your new house, the kids are liking school, and that you're already gone to Enrichment and are joining their book club. I'm not familiar with that book, but I think it is great to participate in that no matter what (of course I'm biased about this).

I hope you find the screws for your desk and that you can post pictures soon. Have fun.

Jana said...

I'm with Jill -- the computer should be the 1st thing out of the moving van. :)

I'm glad that you are moved in and liking it. It sounds like you're getting involved really soon. Good for you!

Amie said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your new house and ward. What nice timing to get right into school and a schedule. I'm glad your kids are likely their new schools.

Amy said...

I'm glad that things are going so well in your new house. Moving always take so much longer than you think it will! I've been in my house for over a year and I still don't feel completely settled. Have fun finding places for everything and decorating!

Amie said...

Julie - I just called Alpine School district and they gave me the number for their warehouse in PG. They are just used school desks but they do the job for us. I got mine last fall so I have no idea what they have available right now. Good luck.

Bond Girl 007 said...

no kidding I finally connected mine yesterday! glad to hear you are getting settled in!

michelle said...

How fortunate that your kids are adjusting well to their new schools! Moving is no fun for anyone. At least when you are moving in, you can take your time unpacking. But not with the computer! You need that ASAP.