Monday, October 2

Secretaries R Us

Well, all my life I've had secretarial/administrative assistant/office manager jobs. As a kid instead of playing with dolls, I played with clipboards and papers. So when a friend called and told me she needed some help I offered. She intived me to a meeting and I went to see what I could do. At the end of the meeting it was proposed that I become the secretary of the Epilepsy Association of Utah ( ). I think this will be a good thing right now. It will give me a lot of information and access to people I wouldn't otherwise have so that I can get help for Jessica. I hope that I can do it with everything else that is going on in my life. It is a very small group of people who are running the program right now, so it seems like it shouldn't take up too much time. I am happy to help out any way I can.
The first big thing I will help with is the "Crop Because You Care"
Scrapbooking Event that will happen sometime in February. It takes place at the Southtowne Expo Center. I will post more information as soon as the date it set. The registration money goes to fund the programs that are in place such as Summer Camps, etc.
One thing we are trying to do is get some government and/or public funding. Right now we are really small (7 board members), so if you know anyone who is interested or willing to help us out please let me know. We talked last month about finding someone who would be able to write up the paperwork for finding us grants, and trying to make the association more noticeable (through advertising, etc.).

So I'm just wondering:
Is there anything you are interested in enough to be on the board?
Do you have any ideas for fundraisers?
What kinds of things would you expect this kind of association to provide?


Jana said...

Wow, Julie! What a terrific opportunity for you.

1. I'm interested in way too many things. If I had the time, I would do a lot of volunteer work in many areas.

2. Fundraisers are so hard. It depends on your audience and what year you are talking. I'll think about it.

3. I would expect this association to provide funds or scholarships to those with epilepsy, offer workshops, etc. for those people needing help and wanting to know more, provide a way for doctors to be educated and updated on the disease.

Good luck!

Bond Girl 007 said...

what????? it must be too late!