Wednesday, August 9

Last Pack Meeting

Last night was my last pack meeting in this ward. It was an end of summer pool party and was lots of fun. I have been in the Cub Scout program pretty much since we moved into this ward 4 1/2 years ago. I have had every job except Cub Master. That means I have been a Wolf, Bear, Webelos Leader and the Cub Committee Chair. How about that? I got some nice thank you/we'll miss you gifts and thought it would be nice to blog about it.

Here is a plant that I will be able to plant at the new house and four $100,000 Grand candy bars (there is only 3 now, somebody absconded with one during pack meeting). They said "this is probably what your job is worth, and we don't know where we will find someone to take your place." Somehow I think they will manage.

I also got this cool neckerchief slide that the Webelos leader made for me, as well as this nice Cub Scout Leader Recognition certificate. She said, "I wanted this to be a surprise for you, but the form requires your signature. So I forged it, I hope you don't mind." I told her of course now, how nice of her. She said, "Well, a scout is... Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent." So I felt bad "lying." But I didn't want you to know we did this.

I think it was so nice of her, I knew this award was available, but I never think of the adult awards, just the kids awards. So even though I did all the things to earn it, I probably would have never filled out the paperwork. Thank you so much Susie.

Isn't that nice? It feel great to be appreciated. I will definitely miss the ward here.


Anonymous said...

That was so nice of them. That is a lot of callings in the scouts- you must be really good with managing boys. I bet they are going to have a hard time finding someone to fill your shoes.

Jill said...

That's so nice that they did all that stuff for you. It's so nice to be recognized, especially when you've dedicated so much time and energy into something for so long.

Amie said...

That's a lot of scouting. I would be relieved to be done with that for a little while. That is nice they recognized you. The other scout leader sounds funny.

I hope you are getting all packed. Good luck with the move and getting settled.

Jana said...

I love thoughtful people. That was very kind of them. Did you enjoy your scout callings? I think it takes a special person to be in scouts, and if you are one of those, then you will definitely be sorely missed.

Amy said...

What a bittersweet evening. I'm glad that your ward was so thoughtful and was able to show you just how much they appreciated you. It is nice to feel like the things you do are noticed, especially when they're things that people just expect you to do like a church calling.

michelle said...

gosh, I think it will be difficult to replace you -- someone who is good in scouting AND enjoys it? Not easy to find.