Wednesday, August 9

These Funny Kids of Mine...I'm Gonna Love Em All The Time

This last week has been incredibly busy for us. Getting all the utilities changed over, Jessica registered for school in the new district, and boxing up all our junk, while trying to keep Jessica's patterning on schedule along with the rest of our daily lives. WOW! has it ever been crazy!

In the midst of the madness a couple funny things happened.

Jessica watched a video that talked about the Christmas holidays and decided she wanted to dress up for winter. She went around the house looking for gloves and a hat. She wore this all day and even played outside in it for awhile (In the 100 degree weather). Every time I tried to take them off she'd say "those are my gloves!"

She gets in these phases where she does things over and over. Now she is in a "circle time" stage. Lets play circle time, do you need to play circle time? Two days now we have been playing circle time. So crazy.

A couple of days ago Matthew came out to the front room looking like this (see picture below).

I asked what he was doing with those and explained to him that they were suspenders that hold up your pants, and he said "well, I just want to wear them like this so I can put my swords and lightsabers in here." I was cracking up, he is so funny.

We are moving on Saturday, and I really hope I can get everything boxed up, I have really been dragging my feet on this and just can't get organized. Do you ever fell so overwhelmed and don't even know where to start? That is kind of how I feel right now. Anyway, onward and upward.


Anonymous said...

Funny kids. It does sound a little crazy at your house- I would find it hard to motivate myself in this heat. Good luck with the move this weekend!

Jill said...

When I feel overwhelmed I never know where to start. I usually end up waiting until the last minute because panic sets in and suddenly I can "see" what needs to be done. It's ridiculous.

Those are cute stories about the kids, and funny photos too.

Good luck with the move!

Jana said...

I have a child who loves dress up as well. It's amazing what they can come up with.

michelle said...

Hey, that was pretty clever to use suspenders as holsters for swords and lightsabers!