Sunday, July 23

Things I'll Miss ... And Things I Won't

I have really wanted to do this post since we found out we were moving. I have been trying to come up with things, but always came up with them when I wasn't at the computer or where I could write them down and then when I could I couldn't remember them. Anyway, here is my list:

Things I'll Miss About This House...

The birds singing every morning, and hopping around in our grass. We have tons of trees, therefore tons of birds.
My gigantic garden.
Great Neighbors and Friends.
My backyard neighbor/farmer who tells me to make sure I plant the seeds right side up so they can see where they are growing. He is sure a funny guy. And when his corn is ripe he throws it over the fence into our back yard. I often go out to find ears of corn lying in our grass. The first year we were here he told me what things were vegetables, and what things were weeds, boy was that helpful! HAHAHAHAHA
Our sharing shed.
People who donate the fruit off their fruit trees to us. Last year I got plums, apricots, apples, peaches, and cherries.
Great Neighbors and Friends.
The sounds of the farm animals in our area. We hear horses, peacocks, cows, and other animal sounds daily.
Jessica's patterners/therapy helpers.
So many people have tractors that we have never had to shovel our driveway. People come in the winter and plow it for us before we ever wake up. So nice!
The farm fresh eggs I buy from my neighbor across the street.
Our barn swallow's nest that they build the first summer we lived here. They have been back every year since.
Did I mention great neighbors and friends?

Things I Won't Miss ...

The many snakes that sun themselves in our grass.
The clothesline poles right in the middle of the lawn - my husband will miss them even less as he sometimes hits his head on them while he's mowing. He's just too tall.
The hornets that are so stubborn they keep building nests after we spray and knock down the old ones. They have even built homes in the supports of our grill.
The 8 zillion weeds that grown in our garden because we use irrigation water. (Check out this picture of just dirt I dug up when planting this year. The weeds even grew in the bucket - Crazy huh?)

This street doesn't have side walks, just rocks so it's hard to take the kids on walks in strollers or wagons because it's not a smooth ride.
The fact that the swamp cooler only cools the front room, so the back of the house is still 85 degrees. Sure makes it hard to sleep during the summer.
The heater that breaks down 2-3 times every winter, forcing us to use the fireplace for heat.
The bright red, and puky green deep shag carpeting.
The equally puky green sink, oven and refrigerator. Still the same 70's models that were put in the house when it was built.
Not having to walk to the end of the block to pick up my mail. Won't it be nice to have a mailbox on the house and just open the door and pick it up?

Well, for some reason blogger won't let me load pictures, but you get the idea. I will keep trying. What things do you love/not love about your house?


Jill said...

Is that carpet for real? Good grief I've never seen such a thing before. That's crazy.

I love it that you made a list of the things you will miss and won't miss. It sounds like you've got a rich life there with colorful neighbors and lots of fresh produce. Hopefully moving around the corner will be just as good.

Amie said...

I love lists, it makes thing feel so clear cut. I feel that I talk in circles so I like the simplicity of a list.

I thought you were moving to Provo did I miss something?

Julie said...

No we are moving to Provo, I think Jill just misunderstood in one of my posts, I said "around the corner" from the house we were thinking of buying was a house for rent we liked. Anyway, we are moving to PROVO.

Jana said...

We had a rental with pea-green carpet. I understand.

I love the house that we are in. I love my craft room -- I don't love the fact that my downstairs is not finished, so my main floor usually is strewn with a lot of toys. Someday we will finish the basement.

I hope that you love your new house.

Amy said...

I know I'm late commenting, but good luck with your move! I hope you love your new home and find as many wonderful things to love about it.

michelle said...

I love this posts, I just love lists. I would sure miss all that fresh produce from the neighbors too! We have that same problem with hornet nests...

I can't wait to see the list of things you love about your new home.