Saturday, July 8

House Hunting

Well, we went to see homes this morning with our realtor. It was kind of fun, but at the same time a little depressing. The very first house we went to had weeds to your ears in the front and back yard and essentially no grass. When the realtor got the key out of the key box she discovered it wouldn't open the door so we didn't get to go in and look. The inside was new (we could see through the windows), but the outside siding was cracking and falling off. I couldn't believe they could ask what they were for it. I am amazed that anyone can afford to buy a house these days. As much as prices have skyrocketed, the amount you earn from your job hasn't increased at the same rate. My husband and I decided the american dream is dead! Oh, for the days of staking a claim on 100 acres (for free!). Can you tell I'm a little frustrated?
On a brighter note, we did see one that was in the same price range that was actually a nice looking house with three bedrooms and a huge back yard. It is the most promising so far, but is in Provo.

We have now been looking 1 week. How long did it take you to find the house of your dreams?


Amie said...

2 very long years....but....I do love my house!

Jill said...

I'll let you know when it happens!

Anonymous said...

still looking

Bond Girl 007 said...

well I do have a house that is dreamy! but the house of my dreams has not come yet! but when you are buying it is important to see what you like and what you are absolutely not going to go without! good luck it could be frustrating! ...and provo? you don't want to buy one there? you shouldn't have sold you house missy in the first place!

Julie said...

Claudia, I know, I keep thinking if only we had stayed there, but it had so many problems (ever seen the money pit?) and wouldn't have been a good place for Jessie. But if we waited a while we could have at least got more for it than we did. We want to stay in Alpine school district because they have a better special education program for Jessica. Otherwise, I would LOVE to live in Provo.

Anonymous said...

We had an awesome realtor and found ours in about 3, maybe 4 weeks. I wouldn't say it is our 'dream house', but it was the best we could do for the price range we were in and it is our first home. We were not in a hurry though, so we didn't have a time frame to find a house in and all that. I hope this next week is better for the hunt!

Anonymous said...
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